The hilarious and maybe offensive things people say on a regular basis that they probably shouldn't have said.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
"It's like the holocaust, but fun...and with more quirkiness"
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Yeah, Dolphins have been known to rape women.
No I can't eat, I'm anorexic.
"When I need to measure something one inch at a time, I just get erect."
Sunday, October 4, 2009
"Its expensive to be addicted to things. I don't think I could live the lavish lifestyle of an addict."
"Who cares about Niagara Falls? All I hear is people saying, "Oooohh it's natural beauty". Whatever, I could create the exact same thing in my shower and it'd be 10 times as satisfying."
"I don't need a RENT poster. I'm already reminded enough about AIDs."
Saturday, October 3, 2009
"Yah... I watch hockey." (Lieing is bad.)
Thursday, October 1, 2009
"I wonder if Asians get English characters tattooed on their arms that say "penis" or "crap" and they think it means "love" or something"
" "Truth Comes Out Over M.J.'s Face"-I bet that's not the only thing to come over his face"